The Depleted Circle

I have just returned back to Pittsburgh from an extended 3 weeks of sharing ideas from Toronto, to Evanston, IL, to Vancouver, to Albuquerque NM, to Philadelphia, to Chilliwack BC. I do a fair amount of travel, but this stint was much more than I normally do.

On the one side, I am energized by meeting new people, framing ideas, and learning of new things; and getting to be with forward thinking people is a gas.  On the other side, these kinds of trips are draining in more ways than one.

After returning late last evening, I remembered a poem I had written a number of years ago when I had returned from one of these marathon training/presentation jaunts; so today, when I returned to my office, I dug it out.  It still held water, so I thought I would share it with you.

The Depleted Circle

"Another flight, off to a new city; into the struggle of why

To speak, share and learn; to dull and blunt, my mind with the task

They want from me more, ideas, ways to do new.  And I offer and hunger in the process

As the ideas come out, the well diminishes, a withering; and I need more

The circle is depleted

Applause feels good, it rushes the senses, carries the day; yet bleeds the soul

And then the pause, a refuel, new thoughts; now ready for more

The circle is completed, as the jet moans; I wait to be bled again"

So make sure your circle is refueled, you build your strength to do the important work of community. An inclusive society starts with us!