Memory: The Glue of Social Capital

As the holidays wind down and we move full force into 2016, I continue to think and reflect on social capital and ways we can develop and enhance relationships. During the whole of the holidays we all spent time with friends and family, and the lions share of the conversations reflected back on times and experiences we have had together. We went down "memory lane" as we recounted the times we did this or that.

As I did just that with those I saw and spent time with over the holidays it spurred my thinking about how important these memories really are. In a way, social capital is really nothing more than the memories we make with people and the cementing of these experiences into the elements of bonding.  As we look back on the good times, we are building and promoting more new experiences that further our relationships.

I once remember being with some disability advocates as we had just finished a conference and were reflecting on the gathering and its impact; and one of my friend said: "this conference today, will be the "good times" of tomorrow."  And he was right! The experiences we are building today with our social capital, will be the fodder for reflection when we next see them.

Facebook understands this and actively feeds our memories by posting pictures of you and your friends over the years.  These photos boost our memory, and remind us of how important social capital and relationships are. This actually causes us to post even more photos of our good time with friends.

So as we move into 2016, celebrate with your social capital and build those new memories.  This will become the glue that will frame your social capital for tomorrow!