A Manual For Organizing
/Last year, I wrote a book I titled, "The Macro Change Handbook" (LAPublications, 2015). It was an exploration of organizing and advocating principles pulled from my 45 years in the disability rights movement. The book looked at not just organizing principles, but examined the elements of power, change, and methods that can promote influencing others.
When I wrote this book, I could never have imagined that the notion of organizing, advocacy, marches, petitions, and other methods of resistance would become mainstream issues; but given the realities we are experiencing today in the United States, where basic human rights and dignities would come under direct assault by our own President, have now made my book almost a must read.
It is sad that this has unfolded in a country where advocates had to fight for civil, disability, women, environmental, and human rights. All of these movements used advocacy and organizing principles and were successful in helping to create a more just society. Yet it has and is a reality.
So advocates, and especially you folks who are new to movements, you might want to take a look at the "Macro Change Handbook." You can track it on my website, at www.lapublishing.com, or at Amazon. Remember that an organized group will surely be a more successful group.